Friday, November 20, 2009


The whole reason we went up to Seattle was to see Cindi and Rob get married. We cannot express how excited we were. This day had been a long time in the making and we wouldn't have missed it for the world. My kids even gave up their Christmas presents so that we could all go! Rob and Cindi mean so much to my whole family. Parker and Keaton were having a great time waiting for them to come out to the temple. (Parker misses Keaton so much. He asks every day if she can come play. Too bad she lives all the way in California!!! He just doesn't understand why she can't just come on over!)
The happy couple as they come out of the temple for the first time as husband and wife!

Cindi is passionate about the color orange, so it was only fitting for her to have an orange jacket to wear. It had been pouring all day, but the rain stopped long enough for the photographer to take a few pictures. It was still freezing cold. I was lucky enough to be able to follow them around and hold her coat when she wasn't wearing it and fix her train. I was even able to snap a few pictures!!

The reception was great. They had the cutest guest book. When the guest arrived, they had their picture taken and then once the picture was printed, they would put it in a scrapbook and write a note to Cindi and Rob. This picture is of Rod and I with the Cambodian family my parents sponsored when I was 10. They lived with us for a short while. It was great to see Mindy, Chung, Kaing, and his wife Kitty.

The photo booth had things to dress up in if the guests wanted to have a silly picture taken.

When it was time to cut the cake, Cindi had her friends help her put on an apron and rubber gloves in preparation for the cake war! It was so funny!!

I have to say, they kept it pretty civil!

The first dance!

Parker and Jayden had a great time. Cindi had the kids table set up with toys, and crayons, and balloons. It really was a clever way to keep the little ones entertained.

The Daddy/Daughter dance.

Another Daddy/Daughter dance!

Jayden was being silly and wouldn't let me get a picture of him and his Mom.

Mom and Dad looked so nice!!

The wedding was so beautiful. Cindi did a great job. We love you guys and are sooo happy that you are now married for TIME and ALL ETERNITY!!!!
(Sorry to Sherri and Heidi. For some reason I did not end up with a single picture of either of you!)


Yoli said...

What great memories you all made for a special trip to Seattle. ♥ You got some wonderful pictures of the beaming couple! Good job Jules! Luv ya'll! I saw some resemblance of you in Cindi!!

heidib said...

Great pictures. Thanks for posting. I had to steal a couple for my facebook! I need a camera!! And as far as no pictures of me, I do my best to avoid cameras... you know how much I hate pictures of myself! HA HA! Love you!!