Thursday, November 12, 2009

Harbor Tour and Aquarium

I love Seattle!! I guess living there for the first 11 years of my life, made me somewhat fond of the area. I love the GREEN, the RAIN, and the COOL TEMPERATURES. For some reason, this time I didn't get to love any of these things. It POURED the whole time we were there. It was FREEZING every day and because of the rain, I couldn't see any GREEN! Oh well, I still love Seattle and was so glad we got to go. We took a harbor tour. This was my favorite thing. Thankfully the boat was enclosed or else we would have been frozen in our spots!The wait to board the boat was cold and windy and raining, but we still could smile.Okay, maybe some of us could still smile! Connor forgot a coat!! Yikes!
Ohhhh, there are some cute smiles!!The boat we took is the second one back. Thank goodness! The first one looked a little chilly!!What a cute family. What a fun day!
So this is what you get when you ask a "cool" teenager to take your picture. No 1, 2, 3... Just point and click. Sometimes, somethings just aren't worth the trouble of a redo!!
It really was fun to learn so much about the harbor. I recommend this one!!
If you look really closely, you can see the Space Needle in the background.
What can I say... just cute!!
And... More cute!!!
Parker was in heaven! A boat, More boats, and lots of cranes!
Next we headed down the street to the Aquarium. It was fun and thankfully warm!!!
How do you measure up??
The kids got to touch all the lovely sea creatures. I was happy to just be the photographer!
I had to convince Halle to put the tentacle around her shoulder. She didn't really like the idea, but finally agreed!Okay, so this is a live octopus! Right before we left the aquarium, we watched them feed this thing. It really was so cool. I was amazed at how big his head was. Can you say BIG BLOB!?!?!
That was one of our fun, cold days in Seattle. I was proud of everyone for not letting the weather bring them down. I loved the time we spent together. We had so much fun. It just made me love my family even more!!


Loyce said...

It was COLD, you were brave to go out on the water. Loved all the pictures. What a handsome family. I love you all!!

Yoli said...

It didn't look cold! ha! You all looked great! I love good family trips that make you love your family more! ☺

Shauna said...

Cute pictures! I loved living in Washington too, but then when I go back i realize how rainy it is. I guess as kids we don't worry about cold, freezing and wind all the time.