Friday, November 20, 2009


So what do you do when it's dark by 5 pm, and pouring down rain.......
Lie on the floor with your cousin and laugh....

Play Guitar Hero.....

Hang out with Grandma and Grandpa....

More Guitar Hero....

Just catch up on each others lives....

Find any way possible to entertain 3-year-olds....

More Guitar Hero.....

Pose for a 6-year-old with a camera....
Make paper airplanes (because a bachelor has absolutely NO toys for little kids).....

Hang out with cousin Keaton...
We were so excited to spend time with Jackie, Jayden, Heidi (why don't I have any pictures of her :@), and Keaton! Thanks Jackie for going to so much trouble so we could see you and Jayden. We love you guys!!


Yoli said...

I ♥ SwEeT FaMiLy TiMe!!!

Mary said...

All of your posts point to an unforgettable family trip. I've only been to Seattle once (not counting stops at the airport) and that was many years ago. We hit the sights with our family, but our main purpose was to attend the temple open house. Loved Seattle.