Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top of Utah Marathon!! September19, 2009

Well, I said that I would never do it! I always wondered who in their right mind would want to run 26.2 miles?!?! Regardless of my past (and present thoughts), as my 40th birthday approached I guess I hit a mid-life crisis. I began to think I needed to do something to prove that I was still "Young". So at the beginning of the summer I made the decision to attempt to run this crazy distance! This past weekend I did it! Although the last half was a little less running and a lot more walking/shuffling, I crossed the finish line! My goal was to finish, and not be last! I can proudly say that I did finish and I was not last! Just Rod and I went to Logan, so this is the only picture that we ended up with. I think I may have the greatest husband in the world! He ran every step of the way, except mile 8 where he stopped for a potty break. (He promptly ran mile 8 at a 7 minute mile to catch up!) He is so much faster than me, I am sure that it was complete torture to run at my snails pace! He was so encouraging and positive, even when I was frustrated and ready to give up! If not for him, I am sure I would have sat down on the side of the road, somewhere between mile 23 and 24, and cried my eyes out until they came and took me away!!
I can't say that I will ever do it again, but I am so glad that I can say that I've accomplished a marathon. If for nothing else, I will be a little more supportive when Rod attempts it again! (Rod, I promise never to sleep in until mile 21 of your marathon again!!!)


Colett (*.*) said...

good job, I know how determined you were to do this. now check it off your list and do something fun!!!

Cindi B. said...

YOU ROCK!!! Congratulations. I am so proud of you both!

Loyce said...

Way to go JULIE!

Mindy said...

Way to go!! That is awesome. I have been dying to hear how it went. I am so glad that it went good and that you had such a great running partner!

Isela said...

Great job in completing your goal. It is a great accomplishment! Congrats!

Yoli said...

Congratulations Julie!! What a great thing to do as a couple!!!

Deena said...

Wow! Congratulations Julie...another amazing accomplishment! You ARE young and being in your right mind is yet to be determined. :)

Ali said...

Woah! I think that is so incredible...I'm lucky to run 10 minutes, but I'm just starting to try to get in shape... How did you work up to it? Way to go!