Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gingerbread Cookies

So Parker gets to bring home "homework" every Thursday, and last week it contained puppets and a book of the Little Gingerbread Boy. It also had a cookie cutter and some raisins and M&M's, along with the recipe for making our very own gingerbread boy. Well, despite the fact that I never have a spare moment, I was determined to spend some time with my sweet 3 year-old and make some cookies. Even though we barely finished in time to get the homework bag and Parker to preschool, we did it. By the look on his adorable face, you can tell he was having a great time!!
Thankfully, his Gingerbread Boy did not run away!! It was a blessing, since we did not have the time to go and chase him!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top of Utah Marathon!! September19, 2009

Well, I said that I would never do it! I always wondered who in their right mind would want to run 26.2 miles?!?! Regardless of my past (and present thoughts), as my 40th birthday approached I guess I hit a mid-life crisis. I began to think I needed to do something to prove that I was still "Young". So at the beginning of the summer I made the decision to attempt to run this crazy distance! This past weekend I did it! Although the last half was a little less running and a lot more walking/shuffling, I crossed the finish line! My goal was to finish, and not be last! I can proudly say that I did finish and I was not last! Just Rod and I went to Logan, so this is the only picture that we ended up with. I think I may have the greatest husband in the world! He ran every step of the way, except mile 8 where he stopped for a potty break. (He promptly ran mile 8 at a 7 minute mile to catch up!) He is so much faster than me, I am sure that it was complete torture to run at my snails pace! He was so encouraging and positive, even when I was frustrated and ready to give up! If not for him, I am sure I would have sat down on the side of the road, somewhere between mile 23 and 24, and cried my eyes out until they came and took me away!!
I can't say that I will ever do it again, but I am so glad that I can say that I've accomplished a marathon. If for nothing else, I will be a little more supportive when Rod attempts it again! (Rod, I promise never to sleep in until mile 21 of your marathon again!!!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Red Rock Relay

Once again, I let myself get talked into running another relay race! As I get older, they become more and more difficult to survive. I think it is the lack of sleep that does me in. Anyway, this was the first year for the Red Rock. Because it went from Brianhead to St. George, Rod really wanted to run it. He loves Cedar Canyon and the Zion area. When he told me he was signing up a team for his law firm, Jeffs and Jeffs, I said "No way! I'm not running it!" Needless to say, I allowed him to talk me into it and I ended up running it just because I love him too much to say No! I don't mean to sound negative. We did have some fun. The scenery was beautiful and thankfully, our van didn't get much of the heat. We actually were able to shower twice and get a few decent meals. I guess my need for sleep and my inability to run well keeps me from really enjoying things like this. Rod loved it, so we'll see if he does it again next year. (This time without me!)

The start was a lot of fun. The team decided to dress up as the "Justice League" because they were a law firm. (Get it?) They had some friends running on another team who dressed up as the "Legion of Dome aka the Villians". It was fun to have a little competition going on at first. They eventually beat us by 45 minutes.

As you can see, the scenery was beautiful!

The company was great also. A big thanks to my niece Sarah and her roommate for volunteering for us. I don't mean to sound too negative, I did have fun. I'm glad that I can say that I've run the Red Rock, once!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So my baby started his first day of preschool today! Wow! It's seems like just yesterday I was struggling with the shock of my little surprise! Who would have ever thought what a great surprise he would turn out to be. I have mixed emotions about this day. I am thrilled to have a few hours to myself, yet will miss the life that children bring to a house. Oh well, I guess it's time to go and "find" myself again! (Or at least go shopping!!) Heading in to his first day. Parker was not one bit nervous. Of course, even under the shade of the tree, the glare was too much. Good thing we brought his sunglasses for one of his 5 items to tell about himself.
It didn't even phase him when I walked out of the door! My only consolation in that I have helped to create confidence in him, so he doesn't need me every second. (That's a good thing, isn't it!?!?!)