Sunday, September 19, 2010

The First day of School

It's hard to believe the school year is already in full swing. Where did the summer go?!?!?Wesley the high school senior! Am I really that old??

Connor the 9th grader! It's great to be on top!!

Braden the 7th grader!! Yikes, two in junior high!

The beautiful 2nd grader! Hair and outfit all her choice. She is becoming so opinionated!!

My adorable preschooler. In an effort to avoid day care, he is going to one preschool 5 days a week in the morning and another preschool 3 days a week in the afternoon. It's a schedule only the toughest could survive. He's doing great and is Mommy's trooper!!
Here's hoping all my kids have a happy, fun and successful school year!!!


Deena said...

You have such adorable kids Julie! Halle's hair is SO CUTE! Yay Parker...what a stud!

Loyce said...

I agree, you have beautiful children, can't believe they are so old, seems like yesterday they were all small.