Friday, July 16, 2010

Some Summertime fun!!

So the summer has just flown by so far!! It's hard to believe it is half-way over! The little kids haven't wasted much time. Here are some of the things that they have been keeping busy doing... Playing Dress-up. Halle, Payton, Parker and Jayden.

Rod cut down a laurel bush in our back yard, and Parker and Jayden made it their personal mission to spread the branches and leaves all over the backyard!!
At least they had tons of fun doing it!!

Connor pulled out our 'little' pool for the kids to play in. It's amazing how they can entertain themselves no matter what!!

These two crack me up. Give them a hose with running water and they will be entertained for hours! Give them two hoses so they don't have to share and the fun could go on for days!The older kids weren't too thrilled when they boys sprayed water directly into the front door. Because I was at work and didn't have to clean it, I thought it was kind of funny!
So that is just a few things that the kids have been doing to keep themselves entertained. Thankfully they don't require much to have a little fun!


Deena said...

Lots of fun! Your yard is georgous!