Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wasatch Back 2009

This year Rod and I ran the Wasatch Back for the 4th year in a row. I have to admit it was not as fun as it has been in the past. I'm not sure if it was because of the lack of sleep or conditioning! The Wasatch Back is a relay race that is run from Logan to Park City. We had a team of twelve people who take turns running different legs. Thankfully my team was nice enough to give me the easiest sections! The thing I do enjoy about this race is doing something with Rod. He is so kind and sweet to me. He always has great words of encouragement to keep me going! Thanks honey for putting up with your "non-runner" wife!

Rod and I before our Van began the race.

These pics show Rod and I on our first run of the race. We're still looking fresh! Notice the great scenery behind Rod. One of the great things about this race is that we get to see parts of Utah that we wouldn't normally see.

This is the whole team, minus Nate, who was out running. The top picture shows Van 2. Jim, Rod, Me, Rhett, Tracy, and Rob.

The bottom picture shows everyone on the team minus Nate and I. Rhett, Shauna, Paul, Jim, Sandy, Mike, Rob, Tracy, Rob and Justin.

So right as we got to the finish line, and we were waiting for our last runner to come in, Park City had a huge downpour. Rain was coming down in buckets. There was even some hail! Tracy and I were wrapped in our soaking wet blankets! (Thanks Misty)

I know, it sounds insane, but for some reason we keep going back and doing it again. We shall see what happens next year!!


Archuletas said...

That's awesome you and Rod enjoy it. Dennis has also ran the Wasatch Back and this was his 6th year. He absolutely loves it. His team is called "Still Kickin" and is a masters mens team. Of course I don't run, but I help by volunteering. By the way, it was so fun to see you "briefly" at the reception the other night. The rain is now getting kind of old, don't you agree?

Loyce said...

I am totally amazed that any one would & could do a race like that. You both amaze me in all that you do.

Love, Mom