Saturday morning Tanya Boyer and I got up bright and early to participate in a women's only triathlon in American Fork. I was dreading it. I have not been running much because of foot problems, I had hardly trained, and Rod was at a Father and Son's campout which meant I would have to get a babysitter for 7 am! I decided to do it anyway because my niece Danielle was willing to babysit and I had already paid for the race. We went and ended up having a great time. Tanya placed about 40th out of 533 women. She finished 1st in the swim! Wow! I ranked right about in the middle of the pack. Which is good enough for me. I have never been very athletic so finishing anywhere but last is always my goal! My run went better than expected. I was so glad I did the race in spite of all the obstacles. Thanks to Tanya for always encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone! What a great friend!
We ran into Shauna and Kirsten after the race was over.
Thanks Ladies!!
Great job! I still haven't caught the marathon fever and don't know if I ever will...I'm a little bummed about you not being my V.T.-I was looking forward to getting to know you better. May be I will be able to get to now you through your blog.
Good job Julie! I wish I could have been there. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. You guys did great.
Even if you had come in last you would have done better that me! I think you are all crazy, and so much for my excuse that I am just too old for tri's and marathons, you are ruining that for me!
You were supposed to photoshop my flaring muffin top before you posted those pics! :) Nice job on the race, Julie.
Hi Julie, cool blog. G sorry I missed out on that, it looks like a lot of fun. PS quit wearing out my babysitter with that 7 am call time!! :)
Sounds like a great way to spend a Sat. morning! Congrats! Glad it worked out for ya! Wish I had been there!
Way to go! I'm sad I wasn't there with you guys I would have loved to do that one, there will always be next year!!! You guys did awsome!!!
Wow, what an accomplishment! What great determination and commitment you all have... Way to go girls!
YIKES! Look at the back of those legs. I wish you would have photo shopped those beauties. That was a lot of fun can't wait to do the next one.
Wow Wonderwoman! A marathon, I cant even run down the street!!!! I saw your blog link on Cori's blog so I am snooping. Hope thats ok! Great Job, that is such an accomplishment!!!!!
I am happy to see that you have a blog too! I am so impressed with your determination. Even with your hurt foot. I don't know why I can't get with it. I just don't think it is in me. Running is for burning calories only. I haven't found the fun in it yet. You all look fabulous!
That's quite an accomplishment. I'm like you - as long as I don't finish last, then i'm ok. I don't think a tri is in my future. The half marathon was good enough for me. Way to go!
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