Sunday, December 6, 2009

My baby is 4!!!!

We started celebrating Sunday night. Sher made cupcakes frosted with his favorite color BLUE.
I decided to throw him a birthday party on Monday, so that he would have a great Birthday. We decided to go with a jungle theme. He had to have a pinata, which I am so glad he did, it was the hit of the party!
I made him a monkey cake. Of course, he is my favorite little monkey, but the cake turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself!!

So one thing led to another, and we ended up inviting 13 kids to his party! I know, CRaZy, but fun. It took a lot to get them all to gather for this picture, but we got it done. A big thanks to Connor who saved the day! (I had all these great games planned and within five minutes of starting them, the kids all said they didn't want to play them.) Connor took them out back and played "racing" games, which most of them seemed to enjoy. Another big thanks to my nieces, Lauren and Danielle. There is no way we could have pulled it off without your help!!


Loyce said...

Loved the monkey cake, looks like Parker had a great birthday!


The cake is really cute! Thanks for inviting Maddy!

Deena said...

My baby turned 7 two days ago...I feel your pain! Pinata..."hit of the party"...good one! The monkey cake was AWESOME! Great job. Happy Birthday Parker!

Joyce Becerra said...

Happy Birthday Parker! Loved the cake!

Kim said...

You were pretty brave inviting all those kids. Lucy had a lot of fun. That Parker is such a cute kid. I had him over here the other day playing and loved it. I loved to hear his cute little voice and his all the things he had to say. I would love to have him over to play with Lucy anytime you need help. Please call!