Sunday, November 15, 2009

Space Needle

We HAD to go up the Space Needle! The kids love it, and what better place to sight see in Seattle than to see the views from the Space Needle. These are my weak attempts at getting a shot of the actual Space Needle. The kids were annoyed so I didn't try to hard.

My nephew, Jayden, came along with us! As you can see, he doesn't like having his picture taken.
It was such a windy, cold and rainy day! Where is Jayden??!!

A great view, even on a gloomy day!

The boys loved the boats/ferries.

Jayden and Parker were being silly. I was just glad to get Jayden in a shot!

I was suprised at how many people asked us to take pictures for us!

Checking out the view from the telescopes.

Yeah! He actually posed for a cute picture! We were all thrilled to have Jayden along with us. Although he is a little leary of new things, we finally got him to go up the Space Needle elevator. Once we were there, he didn't seem to be bothered by the height at all.


Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had another great trip!!

Tai Christensen said...

Wow you are all much braver than I am! I have a HUGE fear of heights so no space needle for me!!!!